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1.What Venditalia is 

Venditalia is an exhibition that is organised by Venditalia Servizi Srl and it is promoted by Confida, the Italian association of the Automatic distribution.

It is the most important, international exhibition for the Automatic distribution business, both for the exposing area and for the number of visitators.

The first Venditalia took place in Genoa in 1998.

Venditalia allows exhibitors from all over the world to preview their products, their technologies and the last innovations.

The offer is always higher thanks to the international debates, talk shows and the meetings about the market main topics.

Every edition is characterised by the increase of the number of visitators. Indeed, thanks to Venditalia, the vending operators may be updated about the news, establish new commercial relationships and be informed about the market trends.

Therefore, Venditalia is an important showcase for the vending sector where Italy is the leader in Europe with a turnover that is over 1,5 million Euro.


2. Flymax presence at Venditalia’s

Flymax, whose philosophy is based on important values such as innovation and creativity, can’t miss the important exhibition of Venditalia that Flymax has always attended since its foundation.

Venditalia has been and is for Flymax an important instrument of visibility and an opportunity of discussion and comparison with the competitors.

Indeed, in order to grant innovative products, Flymax always looks at its competitors since, as the philosopher Hegel teaches us, the thought developed from different angles beyond our ego can be our biggest strength!


This 360-degree view is much more important in the current, difficult situation of vending business that has been deeply damaged in the last two years because of Covid-19 that has caused a 30% reduction of consumptions.


Venditalia 2022 means for Flymax and all the companies of the vending field a return to normal with meetings, trips and discussions among the dealers, the manufacturers of technologies, of food and the resellers.

3. Some news in detail 

Flymax will be at Venditalia’ s with many new products such as the coffee machine F4 EDER.

The name of this model is Flymax’ tribute to the city of Bergamo that has been deeply hit by Covid-19. Indeed, “EDER “means glass in the local dialect and in detail it refers to the nice glassy panel where the 10’ touch display is installed.

Another new entry is the vending machine model F450GK with the water module that supplies water both with cup and bottle in addition to the coffee drinks supplied by the coffee machine characterised by an elegant capacitive keyboard.

Finally, always with the view of smart vending machines, a new, eye-catching design with the touch screen addition and a new door has been developed for the traditional model F050.

We can’t avoid speaking about also the model F3 Diamond that is a real diamond for the breakfast time thanks to its elegant and stainless-steel door of which the door shape reminds a diamond.

Moreover, Flymax has also improved its telemetry system that has already been introduced on occasion of the last exhibition.

The list could be much longer but we invite you to see first-hand the quality of our products visiting our stand B24, pavilion 4, at Fieramilanocity from 11th to 14th May!

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